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 Generosity Education
Intents and Purposes
Jim Ross’s contributions to Edmonton will last long after his lifetime
Photo Bluefish Studios
The James Lorne Ross Fund at Edmonton Community Foundation (ECF) will be a testament to the legacy of Jim Ross’s life, values and passions. Established through a will intention, this endowment fund is a meaningful way to channel one’s resources into causes that resonate deeply, even beyond one’s lifetime.
Ross’s journey to creating his fund began with a significant personal loss — the passing of John Barron, his partner of 48 years. “We were set up for each other,” Ross reminisces. When Barron died, Ross found himself contemplating the future of his estate. With no immediate heirs, he faced the question of how best to utilize his assets. “I realized I really had nobody to give my money to,” he explains, leading him to ECF as a conduit for his philanthropic aspirations.
His connection to ECF, however, wasn’t born out of
his estate planning process alone. “I was aware of the foundation for years,” Ross notes, crediting his long-
term engagement with the arts and community events in Edmonton. From attending the symphony to participating in annual ECF events, Jim has been a regular supporter of the foundation’s activities, making ECF a natural choice for his endowment.
Ross’s career path is marked by a series of dynamic roles in public relations and communications within both government and media. Starting at CFRN,
where he worked in radio publicity and promotion, his trajectory would eventually take him to City
Hall. There, he worked for the City’s Corporate Communications office for 23 years. For five of those years, he worked with the Mayor’s Office. In this, and other assignments, he wrote event backgrounders for press conferences and community visits and organized councillors’ events and public programming among
many other things. His career is a testament to his passion for helping others and navigating and resolving complex challenges.
Ross’s decision to establish an endowment through his will is particularly insightful. Unlike a one-off donation, a will intention allows for a more structured and sustained impact. By allocating the residue of his estate to ECF, Ross will ensure that his contributions are managed professionally and directed toward his specified interests. This approach simplifies estate planning and maximizes the potential for long-term community impact.
The fund will support areas close to Ross’s heart: the arts and animal welfare. A dedicated supporter of the symphony and opera, his love for classical music is a cornerstone of his identity. “My partner was a 50-year patron. When I got together with him 48 years ago from then, we were always supporters of the symphony.” This deep- rooted appreciation for the arts ensures that his fund will continue to nurture Edmonton’s cultural scene.
In addition to the arts, Ross’s endowment will help animal welfare organizations. His fondness for pets, particularly his beloved Shih Tzus, underscores his commitment to this cause. “I’ve had four Shih Tzus since 2008,” he says, recounting stories of their companionship and the joy they brought into his life. By supporting animal welfare, he ensures that his legacy will provide care and compassion for animals in need.
The James Lorne Ross Fund will be more than an endowment; it will be a narrative of love, loss, and a steadfast commitment to community.
“I’m a third-generation Edmontonian, and I want my money, anything that’s left over to go back to the community.”

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