Page 11 - ECF-Thrive-March-Spring-2025-flipbook
P. 11

BERYL BACCHUS HAD a problem. iHuman’s
drop-in space, HYPE, which once served
80 youths every week, was now meeting
the needs of 500. As the executive
director of iHuman Youth Society, Bacchus
needed to find room.
So, HYPE relocated to a larger area of
iHuman’s building and rebranded to go
with their new digs: iSucceed.
iSucceed supports marginalized youth,
ages 12 to 24, by meeting their immediate
needs through comprehensive, wrap-
around services such as mental-health
support, access to healthcare, housing
referrals, and more. iSucceed is also the
gateway to iHuman’s arts programs which
provide an outlet for self expression,
personal healing and growth.
One of those youths is Diamond, an
artist and aspiring public speaker who first
came to iHuman a few years ago.
That first day at iHuman, she admits,
she was “mad at the world.”
“My mom forced me to be here. But
it’s how I met my favourite worker, Delilah,”
Diamond says. The people she met at
iHuman welcomed her. Now, she says,
they’re a second family.
iSucceed is the first point of contact
for youths coming to iHuman. The low-
barrier space means youths can get
connected to services — whether it’s
working with a navigator to figure out
their next steps in iHuman’s programs
or just doing their laundry.
“If a youth is ready for it, our team
works with them individually to ensure
we’re giving them quality tailored
programming and we’re meeting them
where they’re at and helping them
reach their goals,” Bacchus says.
Through art therapy and studio
spaces, youths develop skills to
empower and express themselves.
Art programs are a big draw for youths
who come through iHuman’s doors.
Not many services for at-risk youths
include access to a theatre and indoor
spraypaint booths.
With an $80,000 Community
Grant from Edmonton Community
Foundation (ECF), iHuman is able to
Beryl Bacchus, Executive Director
of iHuman Youth Society
Allie Saurette, iSucceed Team Lead

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